Godstrike is here! – Our 3rd game

Get Jetboard Joust on Steam ➜ https://playnow.tm/jetboard-joust/356

Read it on tips! ➜ https://tip.tm/godstrike-is-here

Godstrike on Steam ➜ https://store.steampowered.com/app/1476170/Godstrike/
Godstrike on the Nintendo Switch ➜ https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/godstrike-switch/

Godstrike is our 3rd game published by Freedom! Games, a bullet-hell boss-rush twin-stick shooter. Boss fights for the win 🙂

Godstrike game review ➜ https://mgn.gg/godstrike-first-impressions-game-review

Get 110% revenue share for any videos you make about Godstrike at https://110.tm

110.tm is our shiny new 110% revenue share dashboard for all YouTubers, not just Freedom! partners. Yes, you get 110% if you are with another MCN or with YouTube directly.

▼ 110% revenue share for 9 new games for you!
1. Anuchard ➜ https://store.steampowered.com/app/1386620/Anuchard/
2. Coromon ➜ https://store.steampowered.com/app/1218210/Coromon/
3. Dreamscaper ➜ https://store.steampowered.com/app/1040420/Dreamscaper/
4. Godstrike ➜ https://store.steampowered.com/app/1476170/Godstrike/
5. Jetboard Joust ➜ https://store.steampowered.com/app/1181600/Jetboard_Joust__Scourge_of_the_Mutants/
6. One Lonely Outpost ➜ https://store.steampowered.com/app/1465550/One_Lonely_Outpost/
7. Ruin Raiders ➜ https://store.steampowered.com/app/1262720/Ruin_Raiders/
8. Slaughter League ➜ https://store.steampowered.com/app/1465560/Slaughter_League/
9. To The Rescue! ➜ https://store.steampowered.com/app/946720/To_The_Rescue/

More tips to help you grow! ➜ https://tip.tm

▼ Chapters
0:00 – Godstrike is here!
0:11 – What is Godstrike?
0:19 – 110% revenue share paid to you
0:43 – Godstrike on Steam and Nintendo Switch
1:10 – Godstrike game review
1:47 – Heartbeat Moments
1:59 – 110% dashboard for you
3:14 – 9 games pay you 110% rev share
4:50 – Nintendo promotes Godstrike
5:16 – Face Mighty Bosses!
5:54 – Final words by George
10:09 – Freedom! Mission Statement

▼ Let’s grow together
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5 thoughts on “Godstrike is here! – Our 3rd game”

  1. I recently published some of my games on VoxPop, maybe it would be nice for Freedom! to look into them since they're really focussed on connecting streamers with game devs!

  2. Hey george! I have a question. This channel is already monetized and parthnered with freedom. But My gaming Channel is still in 300 subs. Can I do videos about godstrike or dreamscaper and have them monetized? I think not but i still want to ask hahahahha
    Regards from Colombia!


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